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Intensive Observations in Atmospheric Boundary Layer of Highly Polluted Area and Study of the Dispersion of Air Pollutants.

The study is aimed to monitoring Asian dust during the spring of 2002 by integrating the measurements of precipitation/cloud chemistry at a high-elevation mountain site, and remote sensing measurements including NCU ’s lidar and satellite data. Using the GMS-5 S-VISSR satellite data, a scheme has been developed to qualitatively differentiate Asian dust from clouds. Movement of Asian dust and its regional coverage can be timely displayed for assisting dust forecast. NCU lidar detected the vertical structure of dust layer when it approached to the NCU site. Cloud water and rainwater was collected hourly at Mt. Bamboo site during the dust events. Ten cases of dust events, which invaded into Taiwan area have been identified. Extensive discussion on above events will be discussed in details.
Duststorm, Remote sensing, lidar, cloud chemistry